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Watch a video of a woman’s crazy dance at a wedding
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On social media, videos about marriage continue to make the rounds. Apart from the bride and groom, the baraati dances are also quite popular at weddings. Even though they don’t know how to dance, some people feel so energetic when music is played that they dance crazily, taking over social media.

Now, in this clip, a video of a dance-related to marriage has surfaced, in which a woman is dancing in a different style, surprising everyone in the room. The video is already doing the rounds on social media platforms as well.

Read more: Nora Fatehi’s Latest Belly Dance Video Goes Viral On Internet

Some individuals can be seen dancing at the wedding in the short viral video, which was published by the Instagram page @69.flix. Meanwhile, a woman jumped onto the dance floor and began performing multiple dance moves. In the background, Hrithik Roshan’s iconic song ‘Bang Bang’ can be heard.

People in the audience started cheering for the woman after seeing her crazy dance.

Here’s the link to the video:

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