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Shanna Moakler to 'auction off' wedding ring from Travis Barker
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Shanna is scoping out auction houses to auction off sentimental things that Travis has gotten her

Shanna Moakler wants to get rid of all her memories associated with Travis Barker.

The former Miss USA said she has plans to 'auction off' her wedding ring and other sentimental items from her ex-husband amid his romance with Kourtney Kardashian.

“Shanna is scoping out auction houses to auction off sentimental things that Travis has gotten her when they were together,” a source revealed recently.

“She wants to sell her engagement ring. She also wants to sell her wedding ring and an Andy Warhol painting of a cow," they added.

“The one thing that we do agree on, even though we didn’t work out romantically, is putting our kids first — and that’s one thing that we’ve always agreed on,” the former Miss USA explained.

“We do what’s best for our kids. You know, we have shared custody, but we don’t even really go by an agreement anymore. You know, we just kind of work together," she concluded.

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