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Newlyweds post invoice for wedding guest no-shows
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(CNN) – A newlywed couple is an internet sensation after using social media to send a sharp message.

Douglas and Dedra Simmons were irritated after eight people were no-shows after RSVPing for their destination wedding in Jamaica.

To make their point, the couple decided to post a fake invoice for the cost of two unused seats on Facebook.

“We didn’t feel any kind of way,” Dedra Simmons said. “We were just being petty.”

The couple said the mock invoice was just for laughs and called it “a teachable moment.”

“One of the couples, they were really apologetic. They did offer to pay us,” Dedra Simmons said. “Of course, we declined it. It wasn’t about the money. We were just trying to send a message.”

Their friends kept the joke going and turned the invoice into T-shirts for the newlyweds.

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