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Newlyweds post fake invoice on Facebook after people no-show their destination wedding
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Douglas and Dedra Simmons were annoyed after eight people who said they would attend didn’t show up at their destination wedding in Jamaica.So they took to Facebook, posting a fake invoice for the cost of two seats.”We were just being petty,” Dedra Simmons told CNN.The fake invoice was for $240 — the cost of two guests at their wedding.”One of the couples offered to pay and of course we declined,” she said. “It wasn’t about the money. We were just trying to send a message.”Watch the video above to learn more about this story.

Douglas and Dedra Simmons were annoyed after eight people who said they would attend didn’t show up at their destination wedding in Jamaica.

So they took to Facebook, posting a fake invoice for the cost of two seats.

“We were just being petty,” Dedra Simmons told CNN.

The fake invoice was for $240 — the cost of two guests at their wedding.

“One of the couples offered to pay and of course we declined,” she said. “It wasn’t about the money. We were just trying to send a message.”

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