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Mom enrages son with her ‘unbelievable’ reason for skipping his wedding
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A mother feels caught between her two sons' sibling rivalry. She consulted Reddit's "Am I the A******" forum for help. Her sons Daniel and Isaiah had a falling out when they were younger. When daniel was 20, isaiah told his girlfriend and her parents that he stole from them, which was a lie. Isaiah was the one who stole from them. The feud has lasted years with neither son speaking to one another. But when Daniel didn't invite Isaiah to his wedding, things may have gotten worse between them.

Their mother asked if Daniel would reconsider inviting Isaiah since his brother had apologized and sought forgiveness. Daniel said no and asked his mother to respect his wishes, but the mother said she wouldn't attend the wedding if Isaiah couldn't come . Reddit thought Daniel had a right to exclude Isaiah. "Isaiah is not owed and does not deserve Daniel's forgiveness," a person said

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