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Diddy Wants Boosie To Officiate His Wedding
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The Louisiana rapper is ordained as a minister. Boosie shared the news on Instagram. The 49-year-old rapper uploaded a video and showed his fans his ministry card. He said,

“I can marry you. If you want Boosie to marry you, let me know. If you want Boosie to marry you, I got my mother***in’ license.… Y’all holla at me. This my new thing. I’m marrying couples now- $75,000 to $100,000.” Take a look at a screen grab shared by the Say Cheese blog:

Boosie says he’s now licensed to marry people, charging $75k-$100k! 🤑

— SAY CHEESE! 👄🧀 (@SaycheeseDGTL) December 13, 2021

As reported on The Jasmine Brand, Diddy wants Boosie to officiate his weddin when he gets married. Love said,“You’s a hustlin mother***er my G! Don’y stop. If I get married I’ll give you a call! LOVE.”

Other celebrities that can officiate weddings are Cardi B, and The Rock. Would you ever want a celebrity to marry you and your partner?

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